Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 43 - Home remedies

Has a day at the beach left you red and ready to reach for that big ol’ (fluorocarbon producing) can of Solarcaine?

Before you do, consider a natural, earth-friendly remedy.

According to MallMom’s research, daubing sunburn with aloe vera, milk, cold tea bags or apple cider vinegar may help.

There are many safe and effective home remedies that could have you cleaning the dangerous, an environmentally unfriendly, stuff out of your medicine cabinet for good.

Have a case of the hives? Try dabbing with Milk of Magnesia. Or take a bath in a tub of warm water with ½ a cup cornstarch and ½ a cup baking soda.

Head lice? Try washing your hair with vinegar for a couple of days to kill the eggs. Olive oil left on the hair for 8 hours will smother the little suckers. Just comb them out with a fine-tooth comb.

Got warts? Rub them with a potato slice every day for two weeks!

Do these home remedies really work? I don’t know, but I’m sure going to try them. They can’t hurt, and imagine how great it would be if they helped?

Try these sites if you’re game:

But remember, herbs and essential oils may have side-effects, and may affect some people differently than others, so do your research before concocting your own medicines.

Tip for Day 42 - Explore natural remedies to "green" your medicine cabinet.

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