Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 38 - Recycle for Charity

Recycling is one thing, but recycling for a good cause? It doesn’t get any better than that.

How about recycling printer cartridges and cell phones to find a cure for childhood cancer? Check out:


You can also recycle cell phones to help animals:


Or send your used-but-still-useable eyeglasses to the Lion’s Club to help kids and adults in developing nations:


Think about cleaning out your pantry, and taking all that food you’ll never use to your local food bank. Food banks and missions suffer during the summer for lack of donations. The Second Harvest site has a food bank locator. Just put in your zip code and find the one nearest you:


You can even recycle your tights and pantyhose by donating them to an organization that uses them for medical purposes in Ethiopia. Go to this site for more info:


With a little research, your recyclables could mean the world of difference for people or pets!

Tip for Day 38 - Research ways to recycle for charity.

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