Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 34 -

We’re officially more than one-third of the way through our challenge. Yesterday was tough. I actually shopped for Emma’s** birthday, and felt guilty and exhilarated at the same time. I simply could not let a six-year-old’s birthday go by without (new) presents, because it just didn’t seem fair. But the buying spree was pared way down, for sure, and I did feel guilty as I paid for my purchases. (I did bring my own bag, which threw the checkout girl into a tizzy.)

I only wondered about the psychology of all this for a second, because, really, it’s a six-year-old’s birthday. There can be no greater day for a six-year old, and I didn’t want to be the one to quash that.

So that takes care of the guilt. But what about the exhilaration?

I must admit, my pulse raced along with the beeping sound of the scanner. A purchase! It felt good to buy. Clearly, I need therapy.

Over the next few days, I’m going to look into the psychology of buying, and see what I can come up with.

In the meantime, check out this great blog I found on my ‘net travels:

These moms serve up some great eco-tips (and challenges) with lots of humor and no gloom and doom.

Tip for Day 34 – Get little ones involved in environmental efforts to create habits that will last a lifetime.

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